What does MQF stand for?
MQF means Malta Qualification Framework as published by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) which provides qualification levelling.
Are all programmes offered at Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education recognized in Malta?
Yes, ALL programmes taught at Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education are accredited with the NCFHE. Saint Martin's Institute is licensed as a higher education institution and currently confers qualifications at MQF Level 5.
What is the minimum entry level at Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education?
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education has various entry levels for the different MQF level degrees. The lowest entry level required for the MQF level 5 programmes is of four ordinary level passes, including Mathematics and English. Passes must be at SEC grade 5 or above.
What is the minimum age accepted?
Students must be aged 16 or above before the Autumn Semester Examination sessions which are normally scheduled in December every year.
What is the language of tuition at Saint Martin's?
The language of tuition at the Institute is English.
As a Maltese student and resident do I qualify for stipends and maintenance grants if I attend Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education?
If you are a registered as a full-time student and satisfy the eligibility criteria stipulated by the Malta Government Undergraduate Scholarship Scheme (MGUS), then you will qualify for stipends and grants. Please refer to the rules and regulations of this scheme on the Ministry of Education and Employment Website.
How many students in a typical class?
Saint Martin's Institute has a policy that groups shall not be larger than twenty (20) students in any practical type of workshop and not more than thirty (30) students for lecture type classes.
What does the Institute provide for the well-being of the student?
The Institute provides fully equipped classrooms, which are air-conditioned and offer internet based, interactive boards with projectors. WIFI is available throughout both buildings at the Saint Martin's Foundation Building dedicated for the business entrepreneurship and finance department and the Saint Martin's New Building which houses the computing department, as well as a Creative Laboratory, the library on the third floor, student common area and administration. Students have areas reserved as canteens and outdoor terraces.
Does the Institute provide classes in the evening?
Saint Martin's Institute provides a portfolio of qualifications available in the evening for individuate who are in full-time employment. Our evening classes are scheduled during week days between 6pm and 8pm.
Who sets the final examinations for the University of London programmes?
Saint Martin's Institute of Higher Education is an Affiliate Institute of the University of London, which means that whilst you are attending lectures at the Institute taught by the Institute's academics, you are preparing to attempt the examinations set, corrected and marked by the University of London Examination Boards. University of London examinations are normally scheduled during the month of May of every year and are administered by the Registrar of Examinations, Ministry for Education and Employment Government of Malta. Examinations are normally scheduled at St.Elmo examination centre in Valletta.
SMI offers semester examinations as formative exams for the student to develop skills in answering to questions in the subject under study.
What are ECTS?
The acronym ECTS stands for the European Credit Transfer System and is intended to harmonise the further and higher education systems throughout the European Union. Each one ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of learning, 5 hours of which are face to face with a tutor. In higher education, students are expected to invest in 60 ECTS in one academic year, which means 1500 hours of learning, out of which 300 would be face to face classes.
- An MQF level 5 diploma must consist of 60 ECTS.
- An MQF Level 6 undergraduate degree must consist of 180 ECTS spread over a minimum of three academic years.
- An MQF Level 7 postgraduate master degree must consist of a minimum of 60 ECTS.